SpiderMonki: Online Course

SpiderMonki is a tool for downloading things off of the Internet. It can download pictures, music, videos, source code, programs and much more. It can go through search engine results for you, to help you find what you are looking for. You can also use it to send or post lists of URLs, so that other people can download files directly using their copy of SpiderMonki. Seems pretty versatile, huh? That's what it was intended to be.

But making a tool this versatile can also makes it pretty complicated. Until you learn how to use SpiderMonki, it will not make a lot of sense to you. Sure, you could try this and that to get it to do what you want, but it's so much easier if someone showed you how to use it. That is the intent of this course.

When you are done with the course, you will have a good understanding of how the program works, how to use each feature, why it works the way it does and it's limitations. In no time at all, you will be able to use SpiderMonki as it was intended to be used.

You will need anywhere from 15 to 60 minutes to go through this course. It really depends on your level of participation and if you follow along with the examples. If you want to skip ahead or go back to a section at any time, just follow the contents link below.

To get started with the course, click the next > link below.

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